I think we all realize at this point that whatever we look at, discuss, share, promote and even argue about gets the most attention, and sometimes that's not the effect we want (because it means there will be more of it in the future, thanks algorithms).
If you're yearning to push against the industry grain a bit and want to help music you enjoy grow and get more shine, here are some ideas on how to do that. Some only take a couple of minutes, but are best if done regularly.
First and foremost, share:
Share that post, bring up our names in conversations online. Post a link to your favorite car rap and say something about it in the post (people don't tend to check videos with nothing introducing it). Use our music in your posts.
Get it on the radio:
"KEXP DJs like to take requests and try to fit in as many in as possible. To make a request, the best way is to email the DJ at dj@kexp.org, or call 1.866.903.KEXP, or 206.903.KEXP in Seattle."
We're also trying to push our Chicago songs to Chicago Radio stations and DJs:
Here are the numbers to call for Chicago, but call/text/message any radio station in your city, state or country, send it to any podcast or blog you frequent. Not enough people know us yet and you can help! <3
Hit Up Chicago Stations (or your local station/podcast):
Studio Line: 866-885-1075
Text: 37337
IG: @wgci
103.5 KISS FM
Studio Line: 855-591-1035
IG: @1035kissfm
Studio Line: 877-591-96-96
Text: 877-591-96-96
IG: @b96chicago
Songs: “Chicago Love”, “From the GO”, “Mean Muggin”, “Be Mine”, “Scarburger”.
Pick what works for the time slot or your mood :)
Buy unique and original gifts for yourself and others:
We have a whole blog post about what merch we have, and it's a store's worth. Check it out here:
And also....
Most of all, keep listening, sharing, and know that your actions make a huge difference. HUGE. We appreciate you so much <3
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